
Even though misdemeanors are deemed "lesser crimes" in Michigan, they are still a serious issue to individuals facing such charges. Misdemeanor charges can have a lasting effect on a person's employment, ability to drive a vehicle, and numerous other factors of daily life.

We pride ourselves on treating any charge brought against our clients with the same seriousness as individuals who may be facing felonies or more serious allegations. Every client and every allegation is given the same attention and treated with the same aggressiveness as any client would expect from their trusted legal counsel. We pride ourselves in maintaining an outstanding reputation with our clients and our peers, and as a result are often able to achieve significant results and outcomes that may minimize the sting or long-term effects that a misdemeanor conviction may have on their future.

The Law Offices of Jeffery A. Cojocar, P.C. welcomes your inquiry if you have been arrested or cited with any misdemeanor in Michigan, including:

  • Assaultive Crimes
  • Domestic Violence
  • OWI (Operating a vehicle While Intoxicated)
  • OWVI (Operating While Visibly Impaired)
  • Driving with a Suspended License
  • Possession of Marijuana
  • Larceny / Retail Fraud

With vigorous, knowledgeable legal counsel and representation, you may find a more promising path forward, including one or more of the following outcomes;

  • Dismissal of the charges
  • Reduction of charges
  • Reduction of penalties
  • Deferral of charges and penalties
  • Probation terms instead of incarceration


If you're looking for an experienced law firm to represent and defend YOU from misdemeanor charges in Oakland, Macomb or Wayne County, contact us TODAY for an immediate consultation.