Especially here in Michigan, if you are charged with Driving Under the Influence (DUI) it is critical you obtain an experienced criminal defense lawyer immediately. Michigan law enforcement takes these charges seriously, and you need to realize that the prosecution is already gathering facts against you. At the Law Offices of Jeffery A. Cojocar, P.C., you can rely on us to properly defend your rights in court.
OWI / DUI Defense in Michigan
You can be charged with Operating While Intoxicated (OWI) when operating a motor vehicle, boat or numerous other types of watercraft and/or automobiles. Drunk driving penalties are even more serious, and the penalties are more sever with each successive violation. At the Law Offices of Jeffery A. Cojocar, P.C., Jeffery Cojocar will advise you on the best course of action. He is prepared to represent you with a sound and zealous defense. The abbreviations for drunk driving in Michigan include:
- Unlawful blood alcohol level (UBAL)
- Operating while intoxicated (OWI)
- Operating while visibly impaired (OWVI)
Driver's License Restoration Proceedings
Attorney Jeffery Cojocar also assists clients in driver's license restoration proceedings. He is very familiar with the process and has handled countless restoration cases in both the Circuit Court and Driver's License Appeal Division. Proper preparation of required documentary evidence, as well as witness preparation and an effective presentation are paramount in these proceedings. Fortunately, this is exactly what we do.
If you need an experienced law firm to handle your DUI/OWI charges in Oakland, Macomb or Wayne County, contact us today for an IMMEDIATE consultation.