Custody and Visitation
Child custody and visitation issues are a critical part of any divorce or legal separation of parents with children. A child custody agreement must address issues of both physical and legal custody, such as;
- Physical Custody addresses the question of where children will reside. Children may travel between parents' homes, but, usually, primary custody refers to where they live the majority of the time and where they go to school if a joint situation is not in place, court-ordered, or negotiated between the parties.
- Legal Custody refers to the rights of parents to make decisions for their children. Parents with legal custody of children have the right to enroll them in private school, approve medical procedures, allow them to be photographed and open bank accounts, for example.
In most cases, family law courts assume that children's best interests are served through ongoing contact with both parents. Parental rights and responsibilities are delineated in a child custody and visitation order, whether parents are divorcing or were never married.
Child Custody Negotiations, Mediation and Litigation
While family law courts in the past tended to defer more often to mothers than to fathers in child custody matters, that is no longer the case today. Many fathers have partial or full physical custody of their children after a divorce or separation. A child may spend alternate weekends at a mother's and a father's home. There are many other possible child custody arrangements. Through negotiations and/or mediation, most parents are able to arrive at a child custody and visitation agreement that works for all members of their family.
When You Need an Experienced Attorney
The Law Offices of Jeffery A. Cojocar, P.C. has the requisite experience and drive to provide its clients with effective and zealous representation in contested child custody and related matters. Our track record speaks for itself, as we have had numerous successes in obtaining sole physical custody for our clients, securing change of domicile for individuals moving out of state, modifying a former spouse's custodial or parenting time rights, and numerous other avenues.
At the Law Offices of Jeffery A. Cojocar, P.C., divorcing, separating or unmarried parents can count on experienced guidance and legal direction to create a suitable negotiated or mediated child custody agreement (to be formalized via court order), or to zealously represent you in contested custody proceedings.
When "Removal" or Change of Domicile is Pursued
Depending on the type of custody situation involved, it is becoming more and more difficult for an individual to change their residence or domicile with their children. Fortunately, we have extensive experience in this particular area of law and have successfully litigated numerous such matters for our clients.
"Whether your divorce is still in progress or you are seeking a post-judgment modification, we're here to help you with all of your Child Custody and Visitation matters." - Jeffery A. Cojocar
When you need a trusted attorney to manage your Child Custody and Visitation matters in Oakland, Macomb or Wayne County, contact us for an IMMEDIATE consultation.